Services in Mainland China
Service Centres - Shenzhen
ISS-HK has started to provide social services in mainland China as early as 1992 and is one of the pioneer social service providers in the mainland.
In wake of the rising number of cross-boundary students and families, ISS-HK since 2006 has been going to Shenzhen to get first-hand information about the needs and conditions of Hong Kong families living in Shenzhen and cross-boundary students.
For eight consecutive years since 2006, ISS-HK held the “Hong Kong Education Expo for Cross-boundary Students” to provide Hong Kong residents living in Shenzhen up-to-date information on education in Hong Kong.
Thanks to the funding support from the Hong Kong Community Chest, Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and Home Affairs Department, ISS-HK has since 2007 been providing a variety of services such as training and development programmes, parenting courses and adaptive programmes for Hong Kong families and prospective settlers to Hong Kong living in Shenzhen.
ISS-HK has established service points in Luohu, Futian and Nanshan districts in Shenzhen.