Contact Us
General & Media Enquiries
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: isshk@isshk.org
Address: 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (view map)
Media Enquiries: media@isshk.org
Opening Hours:
Monday 9:00am to 1:00pm; 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm; 2:00pm to 5:45pm
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
Other Service Enquiries
Services for Families
Tin Shui Wai (North) Integrated Family Service Centre
Tel: 2446 1223
Fax: 2446 3313
Email: tswnifsc@isshk.org
Address: 2-3/F, Ancillary Facilities Block, Tin Yuet Estate, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong (view map) -
Shamshuipo (South) Integrated Family Service Centre
Tel: 2386 6967
Fax: 2386 3231
Email: sspsifsc@isshk.org
Address: G/F., High Block, Nam Cheong Community Centre, Nam Cheong Estate, Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong Kong (view map) -
Cross-Boundary and Inter-Country Social Service
Tel: 2353 6119
Fax: 2671 7100
Email: ic@isshk.org
Address: 2/F, North District Community Centre, 2 Lung Wan Street, Sheung Shui, N.T. Hong Kong (view map)
Tin Shui Wai (North) Integrated Family Service Centre
Services for Children & Youths
School Social Work and School Support Services
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: ssw@isshk.org
Address: Room 412-414, Nan Fung Commercial Centre, 19 Lam Lok Street, Kowloon Bay -
Small Group Home Programme
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: sgh@isshk.org -
Foster Care Programme
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: fc@isshk.org -
Adoption Programme
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: ia@isshk.org
School Social Work and School Support Services
Services for Migrants
Provision of Assistance for Non-refoulement Claimants
Kowloon District
Tel: 2789 7601
Fax: 2392 5675
Email: astc@isshk.org
Address: Unit 03-07, 12/F, Kwun Tong Harbour Plaza, 182 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon(view map)New Territories District
Tel: 2358 9600
Fax: 2475 5067
Email: astc@isshk.org
Address: 19/F, Tuen Mun Central Square, 22 Hoi Wing Road, Tuen Mun, N.T. (view map)Hong Kong & Islands District
Tel: 3473 1500
Fax: 2392 2591
Email: astc@isshk.org
Address: 1/F, Li Po Chun Health Centre, 22 Arran Street, Prince Edward, Kowloon (view map) -
Subsidy for non-school-attending Ethnic Minorities to Enrol in Language Courses
Tel: 2836 3598/ 5188 8044
Fax: 2508 0207
Email: m.umair.scem@isshk.org
Address: 3/F, Tak Lee Commercial Building, 113-117 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (view in Google Map) -
Ambassador Scheme for Ethnic Minorities
Tel: 2864 6707
Fax: 2508 0207
Email: ethnic_ambassadors@isshk.org
Address: 3/F, Tak Lee Commercial Building, 113-117 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (view in Google Map) -
H.O.P.E. Support Centre for Ethnic Minorities
Tel: 2836 3598
Fax: 2508 0207
Email: ethnic_centre@isshk.org
Address: 3/F, Tak Lee Commercial Building, 113-117 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (view in Google Map)
Website: http://www.isshk-hope.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Isshopecentre -
Mobile Information Service
Tel: 9220 0270 / 9226 3907
Fax: 2261 0450
Email: mis@isshk.org -
Programme for New arrivals from mainland China
Tel: 2386 6967
Fax: 2389 3231
Address: G/F, High Block, Nam Cheong Community Centre, Nam Cheong Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong (view in Google Map)
Provision of Assistance for Non-refoulement Claimants
Services for the Elderly
Programme for Recipients under the "Fujian Scheme"
Tel: 2755 6800 / 2755 6500
Fax: 2755 3400
Email: FJscheme@isshk.org / FJscheme_OALA@isshk.org
Address: Restaurant Block, Ping Shek Estate, Kowloon -
Programme for Portable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients
Tel: 2300 1200
Fax: 2755 3400
Email: pcssa@isshk.org
Address: Restaurant Block, Ping Shek Estate, Kowloon (view in Google Map)
Programme for Recipients under the "Fujian Scheme"
Services in Mainland China
Shamian Street Family Integrated Service Centre
Tel: (86-20) 8121 5755
Address: 14 Shamian South Street, Li Wan District, Guangzhou (view on map) -
Guangzhou-Hong Kong Service Centre for the Youth
Tel: (86-20) 8194 2661
Address: 2/F, Feng Yuen Street Community Service Centre, 8 He Jia Ci Dao, Wen Chang Bei Ru, Li Wan District (view on map) -
Guangzhou-Hong Kong & Overseas Marriage & Family Counselling Service Centre
Tel: (86-20) 8195 4683
Address: G/F, Feng Yuen Street Community Service Centre, 8 He Jia Ci Dao, Wen Chang Bei Ru, Li Wan District, Guangzhou (view on map) -
Guangzhou-Hong Kong Integrated Service Centre
Tel: (86-20) 8195 4683
Address: 8 He Jia Ci Dao, Wen Chang Bei Ru, Li Wan District, Guangzhou (view on map)
Website: http://www.fengyuanrenjia.org/fyjjtfw.html
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch (Shenzhen Futian)
Tel: (86-755) 8829 3457
Email: sz@isshk.org
Address: Flat E&F, 18/F, Aidi Mansion West Block, Binhe Ave Side Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen -
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch (Shenzhen Nanshan)
Tel: (86-755) 2665 8770
Email: sz@isshk.org
Address: Room1508, Yihai Square (Southeast Gate), 18 Chuangye Rd, Nanshan, Shenzhen (518054) (view on map) -
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch (Shenzhen Luohu)
Tel: (86-755) 2511 4400
Email: sz@isshk.org
Address: G/F, Shenzhen Luohu Women & Children Activity Center, 2007 Yan He Road South, Luohu, Shenzhen
Shamian Street Family Integrated Service Centre
ISS Family Institute
ISS Family Institute
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: issfi@isshk.org
Address: 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (view in Google Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/issfamilyinstitute
ISS Family Institute
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