Services in Mainland China
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch (Shenzhen Luohu)
- Objectives
Assist cross-boundary families to strengthen their family functioning and relationships, build up their social networks and rebuild their life under the impact of COVID-19.
- Combine the efforts of social workers from Hong Kong and Shenzhen and link up resources between the two places
- Stationing of social workers from Hong Kong in Shenzhen to provide services
- Service Contents
Implementation of the “Support Project for Cross-boundary Families” (sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust) , including:
- Cases
- Groups
- Programmes
- Volunteer service
- Community education
- Books for borrowing
- Service Fees
Counselling and casework services are free of charge/ nominal fees for training programmes and activities
- Service Entry
- Apply to the centres directly
- Referred by government departments or NGOs
- Service Exit
- Upon completion on agreed development goals
- Upon completion of courses/groups/activities
- Upon discussions with social workers
- Service Hours
Mon-Fri:9am-12pm / 1pm-5pm
Public Holiday of Hong Kong: Closed
- Contact Information
Address: 5/F, 93 Luohu Village, Luohu, Shenzhen (Postal number: 518000)
Tel: (86-755) 2511 4400
Email: sz@isshk.org