Services for Children & Youths
Foster Care
- Objectives
Provide stable and temporary care in foster homes for children who cannot be adequately cared for by their own families so that they can be loved and enjoy family life.
- Whom We Serve
- Children from birth to 18 years old who cannot be adequately cared for by their own families.
- Children with normal health and intelligence or with mild mental or physical disability or other special needs and being assessed as fit for family care can apply for the service.
- Service Contents
- Assess service applications and understand the needs and expectation of the children and their families.
- Match each child with suitable foster home and make arrangement for admission.
- Visit children and foster homes regularly and to provide support and counseling.
- Arrange case review meetings with related parties, review the children’s progress and needs, set up individual work plans and discuss the long-term welfare plan of the children.
- Provide at least 3-months after-care service to children who have lived in foster homes.
- The children stay in foster homes overnight and receive 24 hours services
- Training for foster parents
- Home assessment for prospective foster families
- Promotion of foster care service
- Refer and arrange foster children and related parties to receive subsidized clinical psychological service (ABCPS)
- Service Fees
- Free meal and accommodation
- Parents (or guardians) are responsible for the school related expenses and other special expenses of their children according to the agreement made with them.
- Service Entry
- Applicants have to be assessed and referred by social workers or specified professionals.
- The referral will be sent to our agency via the Central Foster Care Unit of the Social Welfare Department.
- Service Exit
- Service users may withdraw from our service at any stage given that prior discussions with the referring worker and foster care worker have been made.
- Our agency reserves the right to terminate the service under the following circumstances:
- Service users’ behaviors cause dangers to the service providers or other service users.
- Service users no longer meet the service requirements
- Service Hours
Mon: 9:00am-1:00pm / 2:00pm-6:00pm
Tue-Fri: 9:00am-1:00pm / 2pm-05:45pm
Sat, Sun & Public Holiday: Closed - Contact Information
Address: 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (view on map)
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax: 2834 7627
Email: fc@isshk.org