Services for Children & Youths
School Social Work and School Support Services
- Objectives
- To assist students in developing their potentials to the fullest extent, pursuing healthy personal growth, obtaining adequate and appropriate education, and building harmonious families and interpersonal relationships, and to encourage students to care about their society
- To counsel students on how to solve difficulties encountered in their personal, family, interpersonal and academic aspects
- To advocate positive mental health and strengthen the students' resilience
- To strengthen the connections among students, their parents, their schools and the community
- Whom We Serve
Students studying in schools served by ISS-HK and their families
- Main Service
School Social Work Services (Government Funded Services)
- Casework service
- Organizing groups and programmes
- Consultation service
- Coordination and introduction of relevant community resources
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- School Support Services
1. Secondary schools
- Counseling and Support Services for Students with Special Education Needs (SEN)
- School-based Student Support Service (SBSS)
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2. Primary schools
- Comprehensive Student Guidance Service (CSGS)
- Casework service
- Organizing groups and programmes
- Consultation service
- Coordination and introduction of relevant community resources
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Click here for Service Pamphlet (Chinese only)
- Understanding Adolescent Project (UAP)
- Understanding Adolescent Project (UAP) is a comprehensive personal growth support scheme funded by the Education Bureau. Its ultimate goal is to facilitate the enhancement of resilience of the students from Primary 4 to Primary 6, so that they can grow up healthily and be able to face the challenges encountered positively. The Project enables the students to recognize the benefits of resilience through experiential learning from a series of intensive group and thematic activities (the three major elements of resilience include self-efficacy, sense of belonging and optimism.) Also, the students are to learn to transform the insights gained into actions and to consolidate those skills in their daily life, in order to tackle the challenges.
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- 「童尋夢想人生路」Primary School Support Services
- Career Life Planning Series
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Click here for Service Proposal (Chinese only)
3. Other Service Projects
- 「劃出你‧想人生路」Career and Life Planning Project
- Individual counselling
- Workplace tours and experiential learning activities
- Simulation activities
- Mass programmes : lectures/ workshops/ adventure-based activities
- Group work :
- 「『特』顯非凡—生涯規劃路」
- 「『See‧籌』之路—生涯規劃路」
- Support activities for parents and teachers
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Click here for Service Proposal (Chinese only)
- “Life Rider” Career and Life Planning Project
- The 3-year Project, funded by the Home Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Comission, has adopted the framework of S.U.P.E.R. in delineating its philosophy, which includes emphasizing the assets of the individual students:
- to recognize their own personality and expertise (Strength Based),
- to make appropriate choices (Uniqueness of Life Choices),
- to enhance their problem-solving abilities (Problem-Solving Enhancement),
- to provide opportunities for experiential learning and practice ( Experiential learning) and
- to strengthen their resilience (Resilience) and Positive Psychology. Through participating in a series of activities, in which the students are engaged in learning and experiencing, they are guided to pursue their optimum career path by having sharing and giving feedbacks mutually.
- The 3-year Project, funded by the Home Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Comission, has adopted the framework of S.U.P.E.R. in delineating its philosophy, which includes emphasizing the assets of the individual students:
- "Life Rider" Career and Life Planning Project (2022-2025): participating schools including: Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School, CCC Kei Chi Secondary School, Cheung Chau Government Secondary School, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College, King’s College and Salesian English School.
- "Life Rider" Career and Life Planning Project (2019-2022): participating schools including: Aberdeen Technical School, Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College, Cheung Chau Government Secondary School. China Holiness Church Living Spirit College, Lai King Catholic Secondary School and Salesian English School
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- Theme of Service and Highlights of activities
"Life is GREAT" is our service direction promoting positive mental health and enhancing students’ resilience in facing different challenges during their stages of adolescence.
“G-R-E-A-T “ in " Life IS GREAT " represents the various elements below.
Gratitude (Gratefulness): Feeling thankful towards the provision of basic needs
Recognition (Self-affirmation): Accepting and expressing one’s feelings and thoughts honestly
Enjoyment (Enjoying a meaningful life): Pursuing the important things in life and devoting yourself wholeheartedly
Achievement (Sense of achievement): Working determinedly to solve problems and pursue successful experiences
Togetherness (Interpersonal connection): Strengthening the positive interaction and contacts among people
In addition, 「開 心 同 行」 has been adopted as the annual theme of our service. It encourages students to keep positive and happy emotions, and try to open their hearts to share and connect with friends, parents, teachers and social workers, so that others can understand their needs, broaden their mind and overcome different life challenges.
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- Service Entry and Exit
Service Entry
- Students or their parents can contact the school social workers directly for services or through referrals by school personnel and other parties.
Service Exit
- Service goals have been achieved
- Students have graduated /left the school
- Service users can apply for withdrawal from the service
- Service Hours
Mon: 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m./ 2:00p.m.-6:00p.m.
Tue- Fri: 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m./ 2:00p.m.-5:45p.m.
Sat, Sun & Public Holiday: Closed
- Contact Information
Address : Room 412-414, Nan Fung Commercial Centre, 19 Lam Lok Street, Kowloon Bay ( view map )
Tel: 2834 6863
Fax : 2838 6226
E-mail : ssw@isshk.org