Services for Migrants
New Arrivals from Mainland China
- Objectives
The service assists new arrivals from mainland China to adapt and integrate into the local community and empower them to achieve self-sufficiency, as well as to provide early intervention to families in need.
- Whom We Serve
Mainland residents coming to Hong Kong for settlement on Permits for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao (One-way Permits) and their families.
- Service Contents
General (at Shamshuipo centre)
- Orientation and Adjustment Programmes
- Induction Programme for newly arrived children (Sponsored by Education Bureau)
- Information service
- Volunteer service
- Newsletter (bimonthly)
At Lowu
- Information and referral service in Luohu checkpoint
- Service hours:
- Mon-Sun & Public Holidays: 8am-6pm
- First three days of Lunar New Year: Closed
At the Registration of Persons Office of Immigration Department (Kowloon Office)
- Information Service provided at the Registration of Persons Office of Immigration Department ( Kowloon Office in Room 375, 3/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Sham Shui Po)
- Service hours:
- Mon-Fri: 9am-4:30pm
- Sat: 9am-12:30pm
- Sun & Public holidays: Closed
This project is supported by the Community Chest
- Service Fees
Most services are free. For paid programmes, please refer to individual programme leaflet or contact us.
- Service Entry
Apply in person or call for programme/activity application.
- Service Exit
Service user may terminate service upon mutual agreement.
- Contact Information
Shamshuipo (Office)
Address: G/F, High Block, Nam Cheong Community Center, Nam Cheong Estate, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon (view on map)
Tel: 2386 6967
Fax: 2386 3231
Email: post@isshk.orgService hours:
Mon: 9am-8pm
Tue-Sat: 9am-5pm
Sun & Public Holidays: Closed