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Draw Results of Lottery 2023
1st prize No. 008139
2nd prize No. 042432
3rd prize No. 015544
4th prize No. 058605
5th prize No. 046871
6th prize No. 037440
7th prize No. 056935
8th prize No. 013259
9th prize No. 050308
10th prize No. 028122
Winners should first call 2834 6863 and then collect prizes at the ISS Hong Kong office at 6/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong by presenting the original winning tickets on or before 28 April 2023. Late redemption will not be processed. In case of dispute, the decision of International Social Service Hong Kong Branch shall be final and conclusive. (Lottery Licence No.: 4859)
Thank you for supporting the ISS-HK Lottery and Congratulations to all lottery winners.