Family Matters Video Series Online Discussion Group 2022 - Aging and Late-life transition 经歷老年与过渡晚年生活 (BV 04/22)

Date: April 4, 2022 (Mon)
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Fee: HK$100 per person
FREE for COF member
FREE for COF member
Facilitator: Ms. Ngan Lau Mee Yuk, B.S.W., M.A(S.W.), R.S.W.
As predicted by the US Census Bureau, by the year 2030 20% of the population in the United States will be 65 years and older, compared with the 13% in 2014. In less than 30 years there will be 19 million adults 85 and older in this country, compared to the 5.5 million we have today. Aging has always been part of the human experience; but there appears to be a huge variance in the way people deal with this stage of life. Joining me to explore the issue of aging and late-life adaptation is Dr. Carrie Barone.
Dr. Barone has practiced as a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2000. She earned her Ph.D. in counseling from The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Currently she is in private practice and on the faculty at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family Clinic and an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Counseling and Human Development at The George Washington University, Washington, DC. Dr. Barone conducted quantitative research on positive aging titled: Late Life Identity: the Relations Between Wisdom and Ethics of Care for her Doctoral dissertation.
美国人口普查局预测,到2030年,美国20%的人口将达到65岁或以上,而于此会谈当年(2014) 这项比例为13%。在不到30年的时间里,这个国家将有1900万85岁或以上的成年人,而当年只有550万。经歷老年一直是人类经歷的一部分。但人们处理这一阶段的生活方式似乎存在巨大差异。和我一起探讨变老和适应晚年问题的是 Carrie Barone博士。
Barone博士自2000年以来一直担任持牌专业顾问。她在华盛顿特区的乔治华盛顿大学获得了辅导博士学位。她目前在私人执业,并在博域家庭研究中心任教务委员,以及在华盛顿特区乔治华盛顿大学辅导和人类发展系兼职教授。 Barone博士对她的博士论文进行了题为「晚年身份:智慧与关怀伦理之间的关係」的研究。