Training & Courses
Training Programmes
This program aims to provide a foundational study on human relationships based on the framework postulated by Dr. Murray Bowen. Bowen theory highlights systems thinking instead of linear, cause-and –effect thinking in conceptualizing human behaviours. The theory offers a realistic evaluation of the difficulty in changing the basic patterns in any human problem, and a road map to modifying the family relationship system. The emphasis is on working for long term goals, to effect fundamental change in the individual instead of symptom reduction or quick fixes of problems.
This programme offers 6 modules. Participants are required to complete 5 modules to fulfill requirement of this programme. After completing Module A, participants can complete the other 4 modules (Module B, C, F and either Module D or E) at their own pace in the course of three years.
This program aims to provide flexibility to the participants. It encourages learning at one’s own pace and also continuity and connection amongst the different modules.
Individual participants can also enroll in any one of these courses without joining the Foundation Programme.
This program stresses integration of conceptual knowledge, as well as application of the knowledge in one’s family life, work relationships and clinical/professional practice. Self-learning, taking responsibility for one’s learning, and self-reading are emphasized. Differentiation of self (emotional maturity) is the cornerstone of this theory. The learning and practice of differentiation of self is an integral part of this program.
At the completion of the 6 modules, the participants will get a Certficate of Completion (Foundation Program on Bowen Family Systems Theory).
- Bowen, M. (1978). Family Therapy in clinical practice. New York: Aronson.
- Kerr, M. E. and Bowen, M. (1988). Family Evaluation. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
- Papero, Daniel V. (1990). Bowen Family Systems Theory. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon
- 米高‧卻爾醫生著《一個家庭的故事:博域理論入門》(陳蘇陳英等人譯)‧香港國際社會服務社
Helping professionals
Individual participants can attend any one of these courses by itself without joining the Foundation programme.
Module A |
Basic Course on Bowen Family Systems Theory |
HK$3,900 (COF: $3,800) |
Module B |
Journey into Family of Origin |
HK$3,600 (COF: $3,500) |
Module C | Clinical Applications of Bowen Family Systems Theory (5 sessions, 15 hours) |
HK$3,600 (COF $3,500) |
Module D | Group Supervision (6 monthly sessions, 18 hours) |
HK$4,100 (COF: $3,900) (6 members) |
Module E | Individual Coaching (4 sessions, Total: 4 hours) | HK$5,000 |
Module F | Videos by Dr. Murray Bowen / Dr. Michael E. Kerr / Bowen Center Faculty (2 sessions, 3 hours) |